Current Data

Summary Image

Temperature Wind Precipitation Pressure Other
Current Temperature: 9.6°F Avg Wind: WNW at 2.8 mph / 2.4 knots Today's Rainfall Total: 0.00 in. Barometric Pressure: 30.535 In. / 1034.0mb Current Airport Weather: mostly cloudy
High Temperature: 10.6°F Last 1 Hour Max Gust: W at 12 mph / 10.4 knots (11:21 am) Rain since midnight: 0.00 in. Pressure Trend (last 3 hours): Falling slowly / -0.019 in. Sun Rise: 7:22 am
Low Temperature: 1.4°F Today's Max Gust: W at 12 mph / 10.4 knots (8:52 am) Sun Set: 4:24 pm
Dewpoint: -2.2°F Today's Average Wind Dir.: West northwesterly
Dewpoint Change Last Hour:+0.0 Heat Index / Wind Chill:4

Index Image NWS Albany Radar Image
The last update time was 12:20 pm.    Some information on this website is provided by a private weather station and is not an official or government recognized station for weather reporting. Do NOT depend on the data provided here for any purpose.