Historical Data

Note that due to a data loss, some year-total values in 2019 will be inaccurate.

Temperature Wind Precipitation (Rain/Liq Equiv)
Today's High Temperature: 10.6°F Today's Max Gust: W at 12 mph (8:52 am) Today's Rainfall Total: 0.00 in.
Today's Low Temperature: 1.4°F Today's Average Wind Dir.: West northwesterly Rain since midnight: 0.00 in.
This Month's High Temperature: 54.3F This Month's Max Gust: 33 MPH Rain this month: 2.59 in.
This Month's Low Temperature: 1.4F This Year's Max Gust: 51 MPH Rain this year: 40.13 in.
This Year's High Temperature: 97.7F
This Year's Low Temperature: 1.4F

The last update time was 12:30 pm.    Some information on this website is provided by a private weather station and is not an official or government recognized station for weather reporting. Do NOT depend on the data provided here for any purpose.